Thursday, July 31, 2008

Week One -Mod 5 in Belmont

Today we went Mod 5 hunting (the best type....not) only to discover that in the area of Geelong West, schools apparently don't believe in our dear old Mod 5...after a few drives and 5 or 6 schools later.. Success at a High School in Belmont.


The Mod 5 connections to the ground.
Services not incorporated into the design at all, just tacked on..
Services- Air Conditioner not incorporated at all into the design, this is an obvious place for improvement in our mod 5 ideas.
A slightly older Portable..

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week One Esquisse 1: a RARE concept

This esquisse is intended to kick-start off our semester with a short and sharp creative thinking exercise that will provide some impetus for you to start thinking about Project 1.

A key element of RARE Architecture the concept of ‘adaptability’. This esquisse explores ideas of adaptability in a most challenging way. Once teams were choosen, we had too think quickly and produce a model within a very short period of time. Esquisse ideas will be integrated into aspects of your design for the current design project.

Our group; Nic Fletcher, Andrew 'keg' Fincher and Andrew 'the spew' Fehervari.

The basic concept behind our design was adaptability and foldability(if thats even a word), through the use of intial concept, a chain of linked cut out people (see picture 1) . Basically our idea comprised of two main features, shape and connectivity. Thus, creating a sizable space with folding elements and using minimal materials.

With our idea well underway we looked at basic shapes to further our design and develop our idea. Our final idea (see pictures 2 &3) cosisted of pentegons joined together which would essentially fold back a smaller entertity.
